‘Is one Zuff enough’ asked Mr H at teatime so…. Buy one of Zak’s new ZUFF’s & we’ll throw in a blue, green, pink, or grey one for FREE. Online or in-store. 🐕 Legacy -...

Meet Mack. He’s like me gorgeous! #zakthecolliedog #cherrydidiamblesideI Love Border Collies Lake District Pound

This handsome fella went off to a new home yesterday.....who could resist that little face!LiveShopLocal Lake District Pound Notjustlakes Visit Keswick the lake district

‪Suffice to say I plucked it out of the air, did a triple toe loop, forward roll with the frisbee balanced on the tip of my nose. He didn’t photograph that though did he?!!‬Wonderful World...

Cracking few days in both #cherrydidikeswick & #cherrydidiambleside! Featured is the gorgeous Holly with me, #zakthecolliedog & and all my goodies, they can be bought here too https://cherrydidi.com/collections/zak-the-collie-dog supporting #searchdogs & Border Collie Trust GB

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Cherrydidi is home to 'Zak the Collie Dog'™ We continue to celebrate his life and all it meant, to so many people (and dogs!).

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Instagram - Cherrydidi & Zak the Collie Dog