SOLD! Well these two didn’t last long, they’re off to a new home already! #fox #springerspaniel #birthdaypresent Thx for supporting another talented #cumbrian #startup #business Night Owl Needle Felts #cherrydidikeswick Lake District Pound #feltart #needlefelting...
Cherrydidi & ZaktheCollieDog News
One of our all time favourites!“What’s the time Mr. Wolf?” By Sarah Robley - Print Maker #mrwolf #localartist #printmaker #linoprint #cherrydidi Love Ambleside LiveShopLocal Lake District Pound Lino Print Club
Colette Halstead Glass... she has it all! From glass studs to glass sinks! Come check it out! #glassartist #impressiveglass #glasssink #hare #summermeadow#cherrydidi LiveShopLocal Love Ambleside Lake District Pound Glass Art Society
She just couldn't resist this handmade Seaglass ring by the talented artist Caroline Brogden - Contemporary Jewellery and to top it all it was a perfect fit!! Lake District Pound LiveShopLocal Handmade Handmade in Britain...
‘Fiercely calm’ another impressive original by the the talented Alpiglen Art & Photography arrived at #cherrydidiambleside yesterday, colour & graphite pencil, 297 x 420mm. #graphitepencil #colourpencil #originalart#pencildrawing #lakedistrict #fiercelycalmLakedistrict Lake District Pound LiveShopLocal
Fresh window in at #cherrydidiambleside & it’s attracting a lot of attention!#lovehandmade LiveShopLocal #supportartists #supportstartupsLake District Pound Love Ambleside
The sculpted highland cow from #honisterslate by the talented Terry Hawkins- Loving Slate, is off with the lovely John & Sarah to Surrey. #cherrydidiambleside #talentedartist #uniqueartLiveShopLocal Love Ambleside Lake District Pound
The amazing original of ‘Ambleside in Moonlight’ by Alpiglen Art & Photography is off to a new home in Cheshire soon! Happy Happy!#original #derwentpencils #ambleside #cherrydidiLove Ambleside Lake District Pound LiveShopLocal NotjustlakesHandmade